A friend is a person capable of loving irrespective of whether he is loved or not. Friends are one of the best parts of the college;without them, college life would  not be complete. College is very different from secondary school life. The environment, at our college is both cool and amazing. Our friends here are from all over the state and their different senses of fashion and style have made this campus even more special.

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The Real Time Awkward Situations…..

We come across many awkward situations, if it happens to all of us why the hell is it so awful??

Life is full of awkward situations. We can run away from them(and make things more awkward) or face them head on. Here are some awkward situations you might face regularly and what you can do to get through them while keeping your so called dignity… Continue reading

A THOUGHT- Willing to think!!!

Change your thoughts and you change your world….

A human is blessed with the capacity to think, as an asset. there may be no one without thought but it’s not that everyone utilizes it very well. The general thoughts may be of friends, family and future.

Have you ever tried this famous tongue twister “I thought a thought but the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought “. uuufffff!! never try such complex things and never confuse yourselves about your thoughts. Continue reading

Pause and Reflect

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to reform (or pause and reflect)-Mark Twain

We often get to listen to people say “Life is very short, make the most of it”. What do people mean when they say that?? Fight for yourselves, be selfish, be competitive…Don’t trust your friends, they are your competitors….Is this all that meant?? What if I am not a competitor? What if I have decided to lay back and do things at my own pace?
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Scientists link selfies to Narcissism, Addiction and Mental Illness

Selfies May Damage Your Skin, Cause Wrinkles

Hey guys take a note!! Everyone loves to click a best selfie and sometimes we fail to click the best one and we stop only when we find ourselves the best. But doing this can harm us…….!!!

Constantly exposing your face to the light and radiation from smartphones may damage your skin, speed up ageing and promote wrinkles, dermatologists have warned. Continue reading